How to Enable Tip Jar on Twitter: Send and Receive Tips on Twitter

Do you want to enable Tip Jar on your Twitter? Then you’ve come to the right place. 

Twitter Tip Jar enables you to receive tips from your followers. This could be a great monetization feature for creators from Twitter. 

The advantage of Tip Jar is you can able to send and receive Bitcoin, cash, and even rupee for Indian users through Razorpay.

As the creator economy is booming, creators are directly monetized through their social profile is one of the most efficient and fastest ways to get paid.

After enabling Tips in your Twitter setting you could see the Tip Jar button that is visible on your profile so that you could able to receive tips from your followers.


Here are the steps by steps instructions to enable Twitter Tip Jar on your profile 

  1. Click on the Profile Picture
  2. Click on the “Profile”  
  3. Click “Edit Profile
  4. Enable “Allow Tips” and Enter your payment address


Click on the Profile Picture

How to Enable Tip Jar on Twitter

After opening your Twitter account, you could able see your profile picture in the top left corner.


Click on the Profile 

How to Enable Tip Jar on Twitter

After clicking on the profile picture, You could able to see a lot of options that are displayed. Click “Profile” which will take you to your Twitter profile.


Click Edit Profile 

How to Enable Tip Jar on Twitter

In your Twitter profile, you could able to see “Edit Profile”. Click on the Edit Profile that will take you to the Edit Profile page where you can edit your profile name, bio, and location. To enable Tips on Twitter you can scroll down to the bottom where you can able see Tips at the bottom. 


Enable “Allow Tips” and Enter your payment address 

How to Enable Tip Jar on Twitter

Click on “Tips” to enable tips for your Twitter profile. Tap the “Allow Tips” radio button. This will allow people to send you money directly through Twitter’s Tips Jar. 

You can enter your preferred payment options. Twitter currently supports bitcoin addresses, Patreon, and Razor Pay. 

How to Enable Tip Jar on Twitter

To enter your bitcoin address, you can click on the “Bitcoin address” after that you can enter your Bitcoin address and then click “save”. This helps to receive bitcoin as tips

To receive payment through your Patreon account. You can click on the “Patreon account” after that enter your Patreon and then click “save” This will help your receive payment through your Patreon account.

To receive payment from India. Enabling Razorpay payment would be a good choice for Indian users. For doing that you click on the RazorPay and enter your Razorpay payment detail to receive tips directly on your Razorpay account.

Creators can keep up to 100% of payments made using third-party payment options.


After enabling Twitter Tips Jar you could able see a small cash symbol icon near your Twitter profile So that people can able to donate you directly from your Twitter account. 

Step by step procedure to enable Twitter Tip Jar 

  1. Click on the Profile Picture on the top right corner 
  2. Click “Profile” 
  3. Click “Edit Profile”
  4. At the Bottom “Click Tips” to enable Twitter Tip Jar 
  5. Tap “Allow Tips” to Turn on the Radio button 
  6. Enter your preferred payment options and Click Save 
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