A lot of things are happening in crypto every day and we are bombarded with new kinds of information and we ended up consuming unwanted info. What if you consume valuable information about crypto that is discussed by a group of experts like a regular conversation that you will be having at your dinner table. We have curated a list of Clubs that breathes crypto day in and day out. So that you will never miss up anything important. Here is the list:
#1 Bitcoin
A Club for open and friendly dialog on bitcoin technology, markets, culture, and ecosystem.
#2 Cafe Bitcoin
The club is to share and learn about the revolutionary new global money.
#3 Crypto Church
Clubs where they share information related to technology, opportunities, and innovation. Specifically Blockchain, CryptoCurrency, DEFI & NFT’s.
#4 a16z Crypto
This club is run by famous VC Firms Andressen Horowtiz where experts conduct weekly sessions.
#5 The Crypto Club
This club is an open and safe space for all conversations related to crypto. It conducts weekly club meetings on Crypto, NFT, and Crypto 101.