How to Disconnect Your Instagram and Twitter From Clubhouse

Clubhouse is the new audio-voice social network currently used by million’s of users every day to consume and create audio content. You may already connect your Twitter and Instagram account and right now you want to disconnect your both Twitter and Instagram accounts. The following steps will help you to disconnect your Instagram and Twitter accounts.

Step 1: After your open your clubhouse app it will welcome you with a hallway like the below image. Click your user profile on the top right corner near the notification icon.

Clubhouse Deletion

Step 2: On the user profile page click on the setting button on the top right corner near the share button.

Clubhouse Instagram and Twitter Disconnect


Step 3: On the settings page click on the user profile button as mentioned below on the image.

Clubhouse deleting

Step 4: Click on Disconnect Twitter and Disconnect Instagram if you want to disconnect both accounts from your clubhouse profile.

Disconnect Twitter and Clubhouse

From the above example, you figure out how to disconnect both Instagram and Twitter from your account. If you change your mind to connect your account back you can look out for this guide to connect Instagram and Twitter.


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