7 Best NFT Telegram Groups to Join

Non Fungible Token becomes mainstream day by day. Every day lot of information are getting shared about NFT. To stay relevant on up-to-date information on NFTs that helps you find the next Crypto punk or bored ape club. 

To stay relevant you have to 

Beware of scams that are happening in close groups like discord or telegram. Never share your wallet address with anyone. 

In certain telegram groups, you can also share your NFT projects so that potential buyers can able to discover your NFT projects. 

Best NFT Telegram Grops

We have curated the best NFT Telegram groups based on the community, valuable information getting shared, and much more. Here is the list.

  1. NFT Marketplace
  2. NFTs Metaverse & Stock News
  3. Metaverse | NFTs | News
  4. NFT News
  5. NFT Artist and Buyers
  6. NFT Community
  7. NFT Art & Artist

1. NFT Marketplace 

Best NFT Telegram Group

One of the largest telegram groups for NFT news. They have more than 13K members. 

They share the most important and regular news updates on NFTs mostly with Picture. They often share short video clips of NFT. 

In this group, only the admins are allowed to share information and the group members are allowed only to view the information. This actually reduced the chaos and scams happening in the telegram group.

NFT Marketplace Telegram Group – https://t.me/NFTMarketplaceupdates

2. NFTs Metaverse & Stock News 

NFTs Metaverse & Stock News telegram group is followed by more than 1 million members. The group mainly shares the latest information about NFTs, Metaverse, and the Indian Stock Exchange. 

If you are from India, and if you are looking for both up to date NFT related news and as well as information about the Indian Stock Exchange. Then this is the right telegram group for you. 

NFTs Metaverse & Stock News Telegram Link – https://t.me/NFTs_Metaverse_Stock_News

3. Metaverse | NFTs | News 

This Telegram group has more than 400K Members who actively share information related to Metaverse and NFTs. 

Here as well the admin can only send information to the group. As a part of the group, you can only consume valuable information. 

Metaverse | NFTs | News Telegram Link – https://t.me/Facebook_Metaverse_Nfts

4. NFT News 

Best NFT Telegram Group

Simple and Clear up to date information about NFT and Metaverse. NFT News has more than 57K members. 

They share about upcoming NFT Drops, Marketing, review of sites, the marketplace, insider and industry news. 

NFT News-Telegram Group: https://t.me/nft_newsq

5. NFT Artist and Buyers 

If you are an NFT Artist, looking to promote your NFT project on the Telegram group. Then this is the right telegram group you are looking for. 

As an NFT Artist, you can post your NFT collection and any interested buyer can able to discover amazing NFT projects. 

The group has more than 21K members. Sharing your NFT project on this group will definitely have initial traction for your NFT Projects. 

NFT Artist and Buyer Group: https://t.me/nftbuyerseller

6. NFT Community 

Best NFT Telegram

The NFT Community is gathering for those interested in Non-Fungible Token. They have more than 49K members on their Telegram Channel. 

They have an education post that detailed covers the basic NFT and that they have pinned. So that you can access it at the top of the chat window. 

You can follow NFT Community: https://t.me/b_i_t

7. NFT Art & Artist 

Best NFT Telegram Group

This is a dedicated NFT Art Telegram Community where you can share your NFT art, Links to your Instagram, and even directly share the NFT projects. 

They have a common rule for every member of the community where you can post only once a day. Anyone who is part of this Telegram group can able to share any kind of information in the group. 

You can follow NFT Art & Artist: https://t.me/NFT_Art_Group


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