BitClout Simplified & Beginner’s Guide to Get Started

Introduction BitClout is a new social network that is built based on the custom blockchain. This open-source project lets users speculate on creators and their posts with real money. Its architecture is similar to Bitcoin. But Bitcoin is decentralizing money whereas BitClout is decentralizing social media. Decoding… Think of BitClout in terms of the stock … Read more

Top 25 Most Followed Clubs in Clubhouse

The clubhouse is a new type of social media, especially for voice. Users can share their content through voice and consume the content through Listening. They can participate in the group where they are interested or start their own clubs. We have curated the Top 25 Clubs in Clubhouse across various categories ranging from Clubs … Read more

Top 25 Most Followed Clubhouse Account

Since its initial release in April 2020, Clubhouse has got 10 million+ downloads and counting. This new kind of social media platform draws in a slew of celebrities and other elites. Hence, we have presented the top 25 most followed accounts of various industry experts for you to follow. #1 Rohan Seth (@rohan) 6.9 M … Read more