Transfer Klaytn (KLAY) from MetaMask to Coinbase Wallet

Send KLAY from MetaMask to Coinbase Wallet

To transfer Klaytn (KLAY) from MetaMask to Coinbase Wallet, you must copy the Coinbase Wallet deposit address.

Then, launch the MetaMask wallet and click “Send”.

Now, paste the Coinbase Wallet address and enter the amount to be sent.

Lastly, confirm the transaction.

It takes 2 to 5 minutes to transfer/ send Klaytn (KLAY) from MetaMask to Coinbase Wallet.

To transfer KLAY from MetaMask to Coinbase Wallet, a gas fee of ~ 0.000568 KLAY is required. The gas fees always vary according to the congestion of the Klaytn blockchain.

Steps to Transfer Klaytn (KLAY) from MetaMask to Coinbase Wallet

  1. Copy the Coinbase Wallet Deposit Address
  2. Click “Send” in MetaMask
  3. Paste the Coinbase Wallet Address & Enter the amount
  4. Click “Confirm”
  5. Check Recent Transfers in MetaMask & Coinbase Wallet

1. Copy the Coinbase Wallet Deposit Address

If you have not installed Coinbase Wallet yet, you need to install it and create an account to receive Klaytn (KLAY).

Open the Coinbase Wallet extension after creating an account.

Now, you can see your wallet balance. Below that, you can also see a few options: Buy, Swap, Send and Receive.

Since you are depositing Klaytn (KLAY) to Coinbase Wallet, you need to click “Receive”.

Now, there will be Klaytn and Solana addresses.

You need to navigate to the Klaytn address and click the “Copy icon”.

2. Click “Send” in MetaMask

Open the MetaMask Wallet extension and enter the password to unlock it.

If you have forgotten the MetaMask password, you can easily reset it with the recovery phrase.

After getting inside the MetaMask Wallet, you must be on the “Klaytn Mainnet Cypress”. In case you are on the other network, you need to switch to the Klaytn Mainnet Cypress.

Now, click “Send”.

3. Paste the Coinbase Wallet Address & Enter the amount

After clicking Send, you will end up being on the “Send To” window.

Here, you need to paste the Coinbase Wallet deposit address you copied in Step 1.

Next, enter the amount of KLAY that you would like to send.

Lastly, click “Next”.

4. Click “Confirm”

A final confirmation will appear once you have clicked “Next”.

This page will contain the recipient address, gas fee, and the amount to be transferred.

Review the details and click “Confirm”.

That’s it. You have successfully transferred Klaytn (KLAY) from MetaMask to Coinbase Wallet.

5. Check Recent Transfers in MetaMask & Coinbase Wallet

To check the recent transfers in the MetaMask wallet, click the “Activity” tab on the front page.

To check the recent transfers in the Coinbase Wallet, click the “Transaction icon” at the top of the wallet extension.

Steps to Transfer Klaytn (KLAY) from MetaMask Mobile Application to Coinbase Wallet Mobile Application

  1. Find KLAY in Coinbase Wallet
  2. Copy KLAY Deposit Address
  3. Tap on “Send” in MetaMask
  4. Paste the Address and Enter the Amount
  5. Tap on “Send
  6. Check Recent Transfers

1. Find KLAY in Coinbase Wallet

Open the Coinbase Wallet mobile application.

Since you are receiving Klaytn (KLAY) from MetaMask, you need to tap on “Receive”.

Now, you will be asked to select the coin. Make use of the search box to find Klaytn (KLAY).

2. Copy KLAY Deposit Address

After finding the Klaytn (KLAY), you need to tap on it to see the deposit address.

By doing so, you will get to see the KLAY deposit address along with the QR code.

Tap on the address to copy it or you can scan the QR code.

3. Tap on “Send” in MetaMask

Open the MetaMask mobile application.

Since you are sending Klaytn (KLAY) to Coinbase Wallet, make sure to be on the “Klaytn Mainnet Cypress”. You must switch networks if you are on the other network.

Once you are in the right network, tap on “Send”.

4. Paste the Address and Enter the Amount

By tapping on Send, you will land on the “Send to” page.

Here, you need to paste the Coinbase Wallet address you copied in Step 2.

Then, tap on “Next”.

Next, you will be asked to enter the amount of KLAY to be sent. You can use the “MAX” button if you want to send all of the KLAY that you have in your MetaMask.

Lastly, tap on “Next”.

5. Tap on “Send

After tapping on Next, you will land on the Confirm page.

The page contains the From and To address, the gas fee, and the total amount to be transferred.

Review the details and tap on “Send”.

6. Check Recent Transfers

To check recent transfers in the MetaMask application, you need to tap on the Klaytn (KLAY) under “Tokens”.

To check recent transfers in the Coinbase Wallet application, tap Klaytn (KLAY) under “Coins”.


To send Klaytn (KLAY) from MetaMask to Coinbase Wallet, all you need is the Coinbase Wallet KLAY deposit address and enough KLAY in MetaMask.

Ensure the right network is selected on both the sender and receiver sides.

Always be careful while copy pasting the address. If you enter an incorrect address, you will lose your cryptocurrency.

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