Top 15 Famous NFT Artists to Follow

Indeed, van Gogh and Picasso definitely had their heyday for centuries. But now, Beeple and fellow co-artists are the talk of the town. Yes, digital art is now taking over the art industry like crazy. 5.4 million NFT sales worth over $9 billion happened in the past twelve months. Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic for … Read more

12 Best NFT Discord Server/Communities in 2022

What is an NFT Discord? Discord is a voice, video, and text communication service used by millions of people where they can interact in the form of a community. NFT projects use Discord to build their community. In Discord groups, they can give their announcement, updates, help, and supports around the NFT Projects. This helps … Read more

One AI Tool That Helps You to Make $250,000 per Year

The Gig economy has become popular and is reshaping a lot of people’s work experience. Workers have started to like the flexibility and comfort it offers. In fact, COVID-19 gave a similar kind of (gig) experience to most professionals. The majority of them are comfortable with working from home/ remote and they don’t like to … Read more