One AI Tool That Helps You to Make $250,000 per Year

The Gig economy has become popular and is reshaping a lot of people’s work experience. Workers have started to like the flexibility and comfort it offers.

In fact, COVID-19 gave a similar kind of (gig) experience to most professionals. The majority of them are comfortable with working from home/ remote and they don’t like to go back to the conventional way of working. So, they started looking for opportunities that provide similar WFH experiences. A few of them know that getting into the gig economy is the only way but they need guidance.

If you are one amongst them, then this is the article for you.

The Path to $250,000 in One Year

This is the complete path that will help you to make a 6 figure career within one year. To achieve this, you have to have grit, patience, and a strong work ethic. Let us unfold the opportunity one by one.

Prerequisite for Plunging into $250,000 Career Path 

  • Writing: You don’t need to be an expert writer but you have understood basic grammar and punctuation. You will learn along the way so don’t overanalysis and overthink and just get started.
  • Ability to finish the task on deadline: This is important not only for this path. If you are able to deliver tasks on time and that will definitely bring you more clients and more projects. Finishing a task on a deadline is a superpower. 


The only way people are able to make money is through creating value. The value creation would be creating and selling products or offering services. There are a lot of freelancing gigs ranging from web design, graphic design, and coding. But here we are only going to focus on copywriting and content writing.

Why Copywriting and Content Writing

With the explosion of data consumption, everything is moving towards digital and so there is a huge demand for Content Writing and Copywriting

The average salary of a Copywriter is $75,000 and the average salary of a Content writer is about $50,000. What we have mentioned is the average salary and highest-paid Copywriter makes more than a million-dollar in a year and the best content writer charges more than  $5,000 per article. 

You may think how can someone work as a Copywriter without having any prior experience. Yes there is a little hack you can follow that puts you in the top 10% Copywriter in the next 6 months and the only thing you have to do is you have to put in the work.

Leverage AI tools like Jasper (fomerly Jarvis) that will definitely put you ahead of the competition. Sometimes AI won’t produce effective copy like an experienced copywriter but as a beginner, the copy generated by AI would be sufficient to satisfy your client and make a living out of it. 

Jasper AI supports 50+ Copywriting skills ranging from Facebook Ad headline, Google Ads Description, Amazon product description, SEO- Title and Meta description, Video script outline, and review responder. Check out the all Copywriting skills supported by Jasper

Jarvis Review

With a click of a button, you can generate a variety of copies based on your input and needs. As humans, it takes a lot of time to produce this many variations in seconds. Jasper helps you saves time and overcome writer’s blocks.

You can generate long content using Jasper Boss Mode. 

Jasper AI

How Can You Use Jasper (Formerly in Your Freelancing Journey 

Step 1: You will receive your work descriptions from the client. It could be sales copy, ad copy, email marketing copy, or writing long-form blog posts.

Step 2: You can leverage Jasper to generate variations of copy for your client within the seconds. Rephrase and rewrite using Jasper if you are not satisfied with the generated copy. 

Step 3: If a client requests you to write long-form content for their blog post, you can leverage to write high-quality plagiarism-free original content. Checkout Jasper Boss Mode

Step 4: Share the copy or content with the client, get feedback and improve

By leveraging Jasper to generate copy and content, you are producing high-quality work in a shorter amount of time. Usually, that makes you stand out among other agencies or freelancers in the eyes of the client as you are able to deliver high-quality results in a shorter amount of time.

You can charge higher once you establish your brand and trustworthiness among your clients.

Jasper AI

Getting your First Client

Getting your first client is hard and you have to try all possible ways to find your first client. Register on almost all freelancer platforms and leverage LinkedIn to find clients that are looking for the service.

Create a Personal Portfolio Website 

Launching a personal portfolio website is one of the essential things a freelancer must do in order to stand out amongst competitors.

A personal portfolio site lets you:

  • Showcase your services and work
  • Provide proof of your abilities
  • Build your SEO
  • Find more leads

Create your portfolio site in minutes; it’s free.

Creating a Niche Blog

This is the additional side hustle you have to consider apart from your copywriting and content writing freelancing gigs. You are trading away your time with your freelancing gigs. This is not how wealth has been generated.

Owning a blog is like owning a media company. Having traffic on your site is like you are owning an audience. You can leverage the audience by selling ebooks, courses, or affiliate products. 

Depending on the Blog as full-time income takes time that is why you have to focus on your freelance gig careers as the main.

Here, also you can leverage Jasper Boss Mode to generate content for your niche blog. Checkout Jasper

Leveraging Jasper 

This one tool is very helpful in building your freelancing career as well as in growing your online business. Here we show you how you can leverage Jasper in your day-to-day life.

  • Generate high-quality copy for your client – Jasper support 50+ Copywriting skills 
  • Generate long-form original content – Check out Jasper Boss Mode
  • Want to write content for your niche blog – Check out Jasper 
  • Want to write ebooks, books  – Check out Jasper
  • Want to create content  for your social media profile – Check out Jasper
  • Want to create clickable Facebook ads, Google ads – Check out Jasper 
  • Want to generate a youtube script – Check out Jasper
  • Want to generate a product description for your Shopify Store – Check out Jasper

Jasper is really a personal writing assistant for you. It can be used wherever you are planning to generate copy or content.

Jasper AI

Some Motivation to Get you Started

Freelance Copywriting

The average salary of copywriters in the United States ranges from $50,000-$60,000 per year. But being a freelancer, you can make a 6-figure income. Meet Steffanie Moyers, who is making $100,000 a year as a freelancer.

Content writer making 11200 per month


Freelance Content Writing

 The average salary of content writers in the United States ranges from $48,000-$50,000 per year.Meet Alex Fasulo aka faswaldo, a freelance writer, and Elise, B2B freelance writer who makes a 6-figure income consistently.

Fiverr guide to making $350000



Blogging is still lucrative and top bloggers are making millions of dollars each year. The good news is you don’t need a big investment to start a blog; you only need patience. Get a free domain name. There are many bloggers out there who are making millions of dollars. Anyone can start a blog and make money; the sky’s the limit.

Blogger making million dollar in a year

Places to Find Freelancing Work Online

  • Upwork: Upwork is a leading freelance marketplace that records 145,000 core clients. If your Upwork profile speaks well, you can even bag big corporate clients.
  • Fiverr: Fiverr registered 3.42 million active buyers in 2020. So it’s one of the big markets to showcase your skills.
  • LinkedIn: LinkedIn is the professional platform that enables anyone to connect with business leaders, founders, decision-makers. Go ahead and connect, build a rapport, offer your service, and post about your experience and $$$$$ earned to attract more leads.
  • Flexjobs: Flexjobs is the best place for finding remote and work-from-home jobs. In Flexjobs you are able to discover a lot of requirements related to content and copywriting services.


We have presented a whole new way to make a 6-figure income. You will never find anything identical to this article anywhere. This path is drawn from our/ our friends’ own experience. Ensure to follow the steps and tools listed here to be unique in the journey of freelance. Be patient and consistent, you will see the growth gradually. Happy freelancing:)

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