Pros and Cons of Adobe Firefly Generative AI

Adobe Firefly Generative AI

The use of generative AI has become ubiquitous on the Internet, with big tech giants and startups alike competing to stay at the forefront of the AI race. Recently, Adobe joined this race by partnering with NVIDIA to develop its latest product, Firefly generative AI. This partnership is significant for Adobe as NVIDIA’s hardware capabilities … Read more

How to Create Template and Batch Run Prompts in Midjourney

As a Midjourney enthusiast, you likely spend a significant amount of time fine-tuning prompts to get the best possible output from the platform. This can be a time-consuming process, particularly if you are experimenting with multiple subjects, locations, camera angles, and other variables. Fortunately, Midjourney recently added a new feature that can help you save … Read more

How I Created AI Fashion Models for Brands in Midjourney

AI Fashion Models for Brands in Midjourney

Since I have created numerous photorealistic portraits in Midjourney, creating fashion models has come effortlessly for me. There is not much trial and error. However, here I have used a different approach due to commercial safety concerns. Brands are increasingly turning towards generative AI models to enhance their productivity and achieve greater diversity in their … Read more

How I Created Cinematic Illustrations using Midjourney

Midjourney cinematic illustrations

Cinematic illustrations and children-oriented cinematic locations are crucial in captivating and engaging young audiences in films and cartoons. These designs spark children’s imaginations, create a sense of adventure and exploration, enhance storytelling, and provide cultural exposure.  Back then, only graphic designers or animation artists could design cinematic illustrations and children-oriented cinematic locations. Now, with Midjourney, … Read more