Transfer Binance Coin (BNB) from Coinbase Wallet to MetaMask

To transfer Binance Coin (BNB) from Coinbase Wallet to MetaMask, first, you need to copy the MetaMask address and paste it into Coinbase Wallet.

Then, enter the amount and confirm the transfer.

Usually, it takes 2-3 minutes to send/ transfer Binance Coin (BNB) from Coinbase Wallet to MetaMask.

To transfer Binance Coin (BNB) from Coinbase Wallet to the MetaMask wallet, there will be a network fee of ~0.000105 BNB applicable.

However, this network fee varies depending upon the congestion on the blockchain.

You can also send BNB from Coinbase Wallet to MetaMask in two ways:

Steps to Transfer Binance Coin (BNB) from Coinbase Wallet to MetaMask

  1. Copy the MetaMask Address
  2. Click “Send
  3. Enter the Amount and Address
  4. Confirm Send
  5. Check your Coinbase Wallet and Recepient’s MetaMask Wallet

1. Copy the MetaMask Address

Open the MetaMask wallet extension.

Type in the password to unlock it.

Make sure to be in the Binance Smart Chain. You need to switch network if you are in the other networks.

You have to add Binance Smart Chain Network if it is not present in your MetaMask wallet.

Click on the “copy icon” just above the BNB balance.

MetaMask BNB address

2. Click “Send

Launch the Coinbase Wallet extension.

Now, you will be on your dashboard where you can see your wallet balance, crypto, and NFT assets.

Also, you will be able to see four buttons, namely Buy, Swap, Send, and Receive.

Since you need to send Binance Coin (BNB) from Coinbase Wallet to MetaMask, click “Send”.

Send BNB from Coinbase Wallet

3. Enter the Amount and Address

After clicking Send, you will be asked to enter the amount of cryptocurrency that you wish to transfer to MetaMask.

Before that, you need to select the crypto asset from the dropdown box given. Select Binance Coin (BNB).

Now, enter the amount. If you want to send all the BNB that you have in the Coinbase Wallet, click the Max button.

Also, you can use the “conversion icon” to type the amount in BNB or fiat currency.

Lastly, click “Next”.

BNB in Coinbase Wallet

Now, you need to paste the recipient MetaMask address that you have copied in Step 1.

Then, click “Next”.

Send Binance Coin (BNB) to MetaMask

4. Confirm Send

Upon clicking on Next, you will land on the Confirm send page.

This page contains the from and to address, the network used, and the network fee.

After reviewing the detail, click “Send”.

Transfer Binance Coin (BNB) from Coinbase Wallet to MetaMask

This is how you can transfer Binance Coin (BNB) from Coinbase Wallet to MetaMask Wallet.

5. Check your Coinbase Wallet and Recepient’s MetaMask Wallet

After the transfer, you can click on the “Transaction icon” to view the recent transfers.

recent transactions in Coinbase Wallet

You can also view the recent transfers in MetaMask Wallet under the Activity tab.

Steps to Transfer Binance Coin (BNB) from Coinbase Wallet Mobile Application to MetaMask Mobile Application

  1. Copy MetaMask Address
  2. Install Coinbase Wallet Mobile Application
  3. Tap on “Send
  4. Enter the Amount and Address
  5. Confirm Send
  6. Check your Coinbase Wallet and Recepient’s MetaMask Wallet

1. Copy MetaMask Address

Open the mobile application.

Switch to Binance Smart Chain (BSC) in case you are in the other network. You must add the BSC network into your MetaMask if you have not added it yet.

To withdraw Binance Coin (BNB) from Coinbase Wallet, first, you need to tap on the address to copy it.

MetaMask BNB address

If you want to scan the QR code instead of copying the address, you need to open the MetaMask wallet extension.

Then, click on “three dots”. Then, click on “Account Details”.

MetaMask QR code

2. Install Coinbase Wallet Mobile Application

If you have already installed the Coinbase Wallet mobile application, you can skip this step.

To install the Coinbase Wallet for Android devices, you need to go to Google Play Store.

To install the Coinbase Wallet for iOS devices, you need to go to App Store.

After the installation, use the “I already have the wallet” option and import your wallet account using the 12-word seed phrase.

3. Tap on “Send

Open the Coinbase Wallet mobile application.

Now, you will be able to see three options in the dashboard namely, Send, Receive, and Trade.

Since you are going to transfer Binance Coin (BNB) from Coinbase Wallet to MetaMask, tap on “Send”

send BNB from Coinbase Wallet mobile application

4. Enter the Amount and Address

After tapping on Send, you need to enter the amount of crypto that you want to transfer it to MetaMask.

Choose the crypto asset from the dropdown box given before entering the amount.

Now, enter the amount. You can use the “conversion icon” to enter the amount in BNB or fiat currency.

Tap on the MAX button if you want to transfer all of the BNB in the Coinbase Wallet account.

Then, tap on “Next”.

BNB amount

Now, you need to paste the MetaMask address that you have copied in Step 1.

5. Confirm Send

Upon tapping on Next, you will get to see the transaction details, such as the amount, To address, and network fee.

After reviewing the detail and setting the speed of the transfer, tap on “Send”.

Transfer Binance Coin (BNB) from Coinbase Wallet to MetaMask

You have successfully transferred Binance Coin (BNB) from Coinbase Wallet mobile application to MetaMask mobile application.

6. Check your Coinbase Wallet and Recepient’s MetaMask Wallet

After the transfer, you need to tap on Binance Coin (BNB) under Coins to view the recent transfers.

You can also view the recent transfer in the recipient’s MetaMask Wallet. To do so, you need to tap on Binance Coin (BNB) under Tokens.


To send Binance Coin (BNB) from Coinbase Wallet to MetaMask Wallet, all you need is the MetaMask Wallet address.

Always be careful while copy pasting the address. In the case of an incorrect address, you will lose your cryptocurrency.

Instead of transferring crypto from Coinbase Wallet to MetaMask wallet, you can import your Coinbase Wallet account to your MetaMask wallet.

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